Currently the mission and vision of the Ultra Small Business Alliance, www.USBA.us, is to initiate awareness that the most vital, yet tender, root of all economic growth comes from heart, mind, and soul of those who risk it all, or have no choice, and create an endeavor to provide goods or services to others.
Endeavors having less than 21 employees have a leadership dynamic that is focused on the founder (for profit) or selected leader (not-for-profit) that is transcended with employment growth. When the organization grows past the direct ability for leadership and control of one individual (and in some cases, their spouse), a leadership team and professional managers must exist.
This oversimplified, yet basic dynamic, is why ultra-small business operators need to be recognized as distinct from those endeavors that involve more human capital (taxable employees who are also general consumers).
The creeping growth of the upper limits for the Federal definition of "small business" since the inception of its role after World War II has left the seeds and tender roots of enterprise far behind. The tax structure at all levels bleeds the ultra-smalls of the very cash flow they need to grow and strengthen the basic economy (by adding value through labor time and output).
Most for-profit ultra-smalls operate just like a not-for-profit during their formative years -- most all cash generated is plowed back into growth, and anything that can be borrowed is usually plowed into depreciable assets.
Policy makers and regulation writers typically do not have any personal background in this arena -- college education prepares them to be good employees, not the risk-taker that forms new endeavors. The risk-takers range from those who cannot get a job for a wide range of reasons, to those who have a true passion for what they do, in a wide range of endeavors.
So this tiny voice exists to help foster awareness. Maybe some day, we will inspire effective listening and response by those entrusted by our votes to provide thoughtful, realistic and sound leadership for our common interests as citizens of the United States of America.